Nature’s Gift Store 
What do the leaves symbolize? One leaf is for FAITH...  The second for HOPE...The third for LOVE... And the fourth for LUCK!

In Irish tradition the Shamrock or 3-leaf Clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for the Father, one for the Son and one for the Holy Spirit. When a Shamrock is found with the fourth leaf, it represents God's Grace.

  History of the four leaf clover:

The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck with its origin ages old. According to legend, Eve carried a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden.

  "The clovers also occupied a position in the cultural life of early peoples. White clover (T. ripens  L.) in particular was held in high esteem by the early Celts of Wales as a charm against evil spirits."

Druids held the 4 leaf clover in high esteem and considered them a sign of luck. In 1620, Sir John Melton wrote: "If a man walking in the fields finds any four-leaved grass, he shall in a small while after find some good thing.

The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck.

  Our clover identification:
The plants that produce our four-leaf clovers are Trifolium ripens , White Clover. Although, the plants mainly produce the common three-leaf clover (or Shamrock), we hand pick the lucky four-leaf clovers that the plant produces. Each leaf goes through a special preserving and drying process to preserve the natural green color. We then incorporate the actual leaf into jewelry, gifts and cards for our Clovers Online products




